
The New You

My aim is simple – I hope to help you reach a happy and productive life.

After 17 years of schooling… I read Shakespeare, learned the important events in history and knew how to pick the noun in a sentence.

I was taught many things… but, I went out unprepared to live my own life.

I struggled in many ways to make a decent pay, to take care of my own health and to understand who I was.

Life was not quite easy in school… but it was not any easier after getting out.

I thought I was lucky.

I found a job 2 weeks after graduating.  But, I barely scraped by.  I lived in a cheap tiny apartment in the ‘not so good’ side of town.  I couldn’t afford to go out and enjoy a nice dinner… or go out of town for a short vacation.

I wasn’t enjoying life.  Just work, eat crappy food and spend my leisure time inside my tiny apartment.

Maybe that’s the way it should be.

It took 15 years before I realized that life didn’t have to be that way.  It was a tough lesson to learn.

Life is what it is.  There will be ups and downs.  But, your life should be like an exciting adventure… and above all, it must be enjoyable.

To succeed in making life work for you – the simple rule applies – just keep trying.  Take time to learn and think.  Every setback, every problem and every defeat has some kind of solution.  It is not unusual to feel mystified and overwhelmed at first… eventually, it will all come together.

Don’t give up!  Keep trying!

It’s like learning a new skill.  A skill that will make you better solve problems for the rest of your life.

There is a lot of learning at the beginning, but you are likely see positive results from the very beginning.  Learn something useful daily.  Work at it.  It’s essential and important to dig in and understand what’s beneath the surface.